EBRD Invests in Park Lane Developments’ partnership with Mitiska REIM to Build Retail Parks in Bulgaria

The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD) has joined forces with Bulgarian company Park Lane Developments (part of AG Capital) and Belgian fund Mitiska REIM, which are developing retail parks across the country. The Bank will invest €50 million in the MEREP3 fund, which focuses on projects in Central and Eastern Europe. In 2024, […]

AYA Business Center with a prestigious award

aya award

Park Lane Developments and Mitiska REIM to build second retail park in Nadezhda, with key partner Fantastico


Park Lane Developments and Mitiska REIM Establish Joint Venture for Retail Parks in Bulgaria

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Park Lane Developments Holds Ceremonial Groundbreaking for AYA Business Centre 

AYA Business Center

Park Lane Developments Launches Operations in Poland 


Park Lane Office Center – The Journey
